Please come to the quaint Borough of Millstone's 4th Annual W3R March to Victory Celebration featuring a community picnic, a festive parade, the Fifes and Drums of the Old Barracks Museum, and a day full of exciting events!
DATE: Saturday, September 26, 2009
PLACE: Begins at the Hillsborough Reformed Church
Corner of Main St. & Amwell Rd, Millstone
Festival continues at Borough Hall & other locations
INFO: Christine Fung, (908) 904-0436
The day of family friendly events will also include:
- A Children's Parade!
- Revolutionary War Re-enactors!
- Picnic at Borough Hall!
- Guided Walking Tour of the Borough's National & State Listed Historic District!
- And Much, Much More!
During the American Revolution, French soldiers commanded by the French General, the Comte de Rochambeau, fought alongside American soldiers in the battle for freedom from Britain. In August 1781, the French army camped in Millstone during the long march to Yorktown, Virginia. At Yorktown, the joint American and French forces defeated the British army under Lord Cornwallis, effectively winning the American War for Independence. Millstone is proud of its history and the part that New Jersey played in the American Revolution, and on September 26, 2009, the Borough plans to celebrate the courage and dedication of those who fought for our freedom. Millstone invites your participation in a day of family-oriented events highlighting out heritage and honoring an important time in the history of this country.
This event is supported in part by a grant from the Somerset County Cultural and Heritage Commission (SCCHC) and the Friends of the SCCHC!
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