Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Meadows Foundation


Dear Friends:
Hard to believe as we are still working off those Thanksgiving goodies, but the famous Meadows Sinterklaas (the Dutch Santa) will be at Hageman Farm, 209 S. Middlebush Rd., on Sunday, Dec. 41-4 p.m.
Among the many wonderful things to do are:
*Enjoy the Van Wickle Dancers as they dance in traditional clothes, wearing their wooden shoes
*Listen as the Franklin Township's Madrigal Singers perform seasonal selections
*Arts and crafts for the kids, ornaments for them to decorate and hang on the tree
*Dutch baked goods will be for sale
*See Sinterklaas himself ride in on a magnificent white horse. He will spend time with each child, checking his book to see if they have been naughty or nice!
Activities will take place both in the amazing house and magnificent barn!
Please check our Web site, this week for weather updates.
See you there!
Yours cordially,

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