Sunday, September 25, 2016

2016 Journey through the Past Somerset County

Saturday Oct. 8, 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday    Oct. 9  12 noon to 4 pm

2016 Event Overview...

Weekend Journey through the Past Logo
The Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission, in collaboration  withtwenty-six local historical organizations and tourism partners, has designated the weekend of October 8 & 9, 2016 "Weekend Journey through the Past."  During this two-day period, twenty-six (26) of the County's significant historic sites will be open from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturday,  and 12:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Sunday.   This year’s event features three early schoolhouses, of particular interest to educators and their students.
Participating historic sites have been grouped into three convenient tours by location: Northern, Central, and Southern Somerset County. A scenic route plan with driving direction has been prepared for each of the three tours (see link below). Admission to all sites is free. 
For those who enjoy a challenge, a fun and educational detective investigation activity, What in the World is That? created for  kids & the entire family,  will test your powers of deduction to solve 26  mysteries complementing the various special exhibits, programs, and tours planned at each historic site. This featured activity encourages a multi-generational outing for parents and grandparents alike, sharing stories and experiences about  “the old days” with their children  and grandchildren  as they enjoy traveling from one historic site to the next.  One unique item from the past will be displayed and identified, along with its description, at each of the 26  participating historic sites during this year’s weekend event.  
This annual event is a perfect opportunity for a family outing. A visit to the County's historic sites offers a unique educational experience for all ages, as well as a chance to visit some of Somerset County's most picturesque and unspoiled areas.
Many of the sites have significant Revolutionary War histories which have contributed to the area's designation as the "Crossroads of the American Revolution State Heritage Area".  Local historians will be on hand to share their knowledge and stories about Somerset County's history.

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